Published On: Thu, Jan 14th, 2016

Things We Saw Today: The Force Awakens as a High School Rom-Com – Adorable BB-8 kitten!

HS Finn and Poe

What fandom is complete without its own manga high-school alternate reality? Here’s one for The Force Awakens over at dc9spot over on Tumblr. It’s pretty amazing. Also, adorable BB-8 kitten!

Love the Kanye West song, “Power?” Love amazing dancing? Well today’s your lucky day. Check out choreographer Andrew Winghart‘s beautiful video spotlighting the talent of twenty brilliant dancers.

sandman and bowie

Fans of both David Bowie and Neil Gaiman’s Sandman will love this beautiful tribute to the Thin White Duke. The artist’s last name is “Salier” but the full name is unknown – so if anyone knows who drew this, please let me know! (via Ixel Balamke on Facebook)

Well, that’s it for today! What did you fine folks see today?

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