UK’s best savings account pays 6.1% – yet this cash Isa may now beat it

Today’s best buy fixed-rate savings bond from Recognise Bank pays interest of 6.1 percent for two years, beating every cash Isa. Yet for a growing band of savers, cash Isas now offer a higher return. How come? Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

by admin | Published 12 months ago
By admin On Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

UK’s best savings account pays 6.1% – yet this cash Isa may now beat it

Today’s best buy fixed-rate savings bond from Recognise Bank pays interest of 6.1 percent for two years, beating every cash Isa. Yet for a growing band of savers, cash Isas now offer a higher return. How More...

By admin On Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

PIP warning as DWP sends out assessments to claimants with first landing within days

Britons who claim PIP and are due for a “light-touch” review should expect correspondence as 10-year terms expire. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

Billions dumped into zero interest accounts leaving millions missing out on extra savings

Latest stats from the Bank of England reveal £2.1billion was added to zero percent interest accounts in June alone. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

State pensioners to get big increase but this will be ‘outstripped’ by rising bills

EXCLUSIVE: State pensioners could get another “big increase” next year but the rising cost of living means the additional payments will barely cover rising everyday costs. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Monday, August 14th, 2023

Mortgage expert shares tips to secure ‘cheapest deals’ as lenders slash rates

Mortgage rates have been fluctuating in recent weeks following the Bank of England’s 14th Base Rate increase. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Monday, August 14th, 2023

Outrage after Thames Water ‘door-steps’ customer to install smart meter without warning

The water company has more than 15 million customers across Southeast England Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Sunday, August 13th, 2023

Capital gains tax bills ‘set to explode’ – plan now or fall into HMRC trap

Capital gains tax is sometimes called the forgotten tax but it is getting harder to ignore as taxpayers hand over ever larger sums to HM Revenue & Customs. More and more of us will get caught. Daily Express More...

By admin On Sunday, August 13th, 2023

‘It’s changed my life’: Woman earns £10,000 from side-hustle and clears debts

EXCLUSIVE: Becky Rider, 37, is four years into her Avon journey and has been able to put down a deposit for a house with her earnings. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, August 12th, 2023

Digital exclusion leads to higher costs for elderly consumers

Elderly facing higher costs as internet exclusion leads to inability to find cheaper online deals, study shows. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

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