Tag archive for ‘taxpayers’
By admin On Friday, July 28th, 2017

Corbyn’s borrowing BOMBSHELL: Labour could cost taxpayers extra £5.8bn a YEAR

JEREMY Corbyn’s spending plans could cost taxpayers an extra £5.8 billion a year in debt interest, new Tory analysis showed last night. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, July 8th, 2017

FOREIGN AID SCANDAL: UK taxpayers’ cash to be spent on overseas natural disaster insurance

BRITISH taxpayers’ cash is to be spent insuring Third World countries against the risk of natural disasters including floods and droughts, Theresa May announced today, sparking widespread fury. Daily Express More...

By admin On Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

What is the Brexit bill? How much could the EU Brexit divorce bill cost UK taxpayers?

BRITAIN and the EU are going into battle over how much UK taxpayers should pay for the nation to leave the European bloc. What is the Brexit bill and how much could it cost us? Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Thursday, January 26th, 2017

Le Pen rival Fillon facing POLITICAL RUIN over payments to his wife from TAXPAYERS money

MARINE Le Pen’s main rival for the French presidency faced a major blow in his campaign after prosecutors launched an investigation into allegations, a member of his family misused public money. Daily Express More...

By admin On Saturday, December 31st, 2016

Taxpayer’s money ‘helped to fund Anis Amri’s terror attack on Berlin Christmas market’

BERLIN Christmas market attacker Anis Amri used eight different aliases to collect welfare benefits in order to finance his horrific terror attack on the Berlin Christmas market which left 12 people dead, reports More...

By admin On Monday, December 12th, 2016

Muslims ‘claim TAXPAYERS’ CASH to attend Koran lessons already offered to them for FREE’

MUSLIMS have been claiming taxpayers’ money to attend religious lessons which are being offered for free by their local mosques, according to reports. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Monday, September 19th, 2016

Millions of taxpayers’ money ‘earmarked for war veterans ended up being WASTED’

GEORGE Osborne dished out millions of pounds to charities who “wasted” taxpayer funds meant to support war veterans, a report has claimed. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

REVEALED: Taxpayers to fork out £29BILLION on schooling for children of EU migrants

SCHOOLING for the children of EU migrants is set to hit taxpayers with a bill of up to £29billion over the next 14 years, according to a new estimate published by anti-Brussels campaigners last night. Daily Express More...

By admin On Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

British taxpayers face £1.8BILLION bill to help Turkey join the EU

TURKEY and a string of Balkan states will be given a £1.8BILLION boost from the British taxpayer to prepare them to join the European Union , anti-Brussels campaigners warned last night. Daily Express :: World More...

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