Tag archive for ‘States’
By admin On Friday, April 21st, 2017

‘We NEED a deal!’ Frantic states BEG Brussels not to ‘hijack’ Brexit with petty grievances

DESPERATE member states today issued an unprecedented appeal begging eurocrats and their fellow leaders not to “hijack” the Brexit talks by squabbling over petty grievances. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

UNITED STATES OF EUROPE: Greece’s ruling Syriza party calls for FEDERAL eurozone

SUPPORTING the European Union goes hand in hand with supporting federalism and Brussels should make a stronger push for ever-closer union, Greek government minister Nikos Pappas has declared. Daily Express :: World More...

By admin On Monday, April 10th, 2017

UNITED STATES OF EUROPE: Greece’s ruling Syriza party calls for FEDERAL eurozone

SUPPORTING the European Union goes hand in hand with supporting federalism and Brussels should make a stronger push for ever-closer union, Greek government minister Nikos Pappas has declared. Daily Express :: News More...

By admin On Monday, April 3rd, 2017

‘Cough up!’ EU chief will urge remaining states to cover UK’s generous payouts to the bloc

THE remaining members of the European Union will be expected to cough up at least half of Britain’s contribution to the bloc’s budget after Brexit, it has been revealed. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Friday, March 31st, 2017

‘Stop blaming us!’ Riled Juncker RANTS member states ‘pass the buck’ for problems

EUROPEAN leaders need to take responsibility for their own countries and stop blaming every ill on Brussels, Jean-Claude Juncker has declared. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Friday, February 3rd, 2017

Brussels crumbling? Eurocrats ‘beg states to agree to DEEPER INTEGRATION to save the bloc’

DESPERATE Eurocrat Donald Tusk will urge EU nations to agree to deeper integration and recommit to the sprawling superstate, a leaked report has hinted. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Monday, January 30th, 2017

NATO member states plan yet more MILITARY DRILLS on RUSSIAN BORDER as tensions escalate

INTERNATIONAL military drills involving 10 Nato member states will take place on the Russian border in April, Latvia’s defence ministry has announced. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, September 17th, 2016

Penn State’s Brain3M Program Brings Brain Science Online

(Photo: Pexels, Creative Commons) A Pennsylvania State University research project is helping middle school students to explore the human brain with the help of 3D printing and interactive technology. Funded by More...

By admin On Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

Huge earthquake hits United States as aftershocks are felt 800 miles away

A HUGE earthquake hit the United States rocking at least four states, in one of the biggest tremors felt in Oklahoma on record. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

Huge earthquake hits United States as aftershocks are felt 800 miles away

A HUGE earthquake has hit the United States rocking at least four states as Americans enjoy a national holiday weekend. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

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