Tag archive for ‘Recap’
By admin On Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

The X-Files Newbie Recap: “Tempus Fugit,” “Max,” and “Synchrony” – “I just thought it was a cool keychain.”

Pendrell is dead. In related news, so is God, love, hope, and my faith in this world. Here, take some tissues before we go on. Tempus Fugit The return and simultaneous disappearance of one Max Fennig. You may remember More...

By admin On Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

The X-Files Newbie Recap: “Leonard Betts,” “Never Again,” & “Memento Mori” – “Pick out something black and sexy, and prepare to do some funky poaching.”

“Mulder, I need to know you’re out there if I am ever to see through this.” As the quest for truth is to Mulder, so Mulder is to Scully. A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of sobs. Leonard More...

By admin On Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

The X-Files Newbie Recap: “Sanguinarium”, “Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man”, & “Tunguska” – STUPID. ASS. HAIRCUT.

Deep Throat once shot an alien in the face, but the CSM shot JFK. Where is your god now? Sanguinarim A fairly standard monster-of-the-week which pales in comparison to the two episodes which follow. I think it’s More...

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