Tag archive for ‘finance’
By admin On Saturday, March 25th, 2017

Juncker calls for preliminary Greek bailout deal ahead of eurozone finance ministers

JEAN-Claude Juncker has declared eurozone lenders and Greece should reach a technical deal before a meeting of finance ministers on April 7. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Thursday, January 19th, 2017

EU TAX WAR: Merkel’s finance chief warns Theresa May NOT to compete with EU over Brexit

BRITAIN must not reduce corporate taxes to gain a competitive advantage over the European Union as the UK gears up to leave the bloc, German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has warned. Daily Express :: Finance More...

By admin On Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Businesses’ bid to hire more women in top finance jobs

SOME of Britain’s biggest businesses are looking to increase the number of women in top-level roles by nearly a third over the next five years, a Government report has said. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Thursday, October 13th, 2016

DRAMA: Sports Direct international’s acting finance boss to resign

RETAILER Sports Direct International revealed its acting finance boss is quitting just weeks after its chief executive resigned. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Friday, October 7th, 2016

US fine for Deutsche Bank will DESTROY EU economy stability, warns Eurozone finance chief

GLOBAL finance leaders issued a fresh warning on economic stability for the EU today, slamming the huge U.S. fine for Deutsche Bank as a mass destabilisation of Germany’s largest bank. Daily Express :: Finance More...

By admin On Saturday, September 10th, 2016

Finance news: Morrisons, Potash Mines and rising inflation

WM Morrison is looking to continue its fightback next week as it slugs it out in the grocery sector. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Friday, September 9th, 2016

EU’s ZOMBIE banks: ECB is destroying Europe’s finance hubs, warns leading investment bank

EUROPEAN banks are slipping into a terrifying zombie state of decline thanks to the European Central Bank , a leading investment bank has warned. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, July 16th, 2016

Italy’s finance minister INCREDIBLY blames nation’s banking crisis… ON BREXIT

BRITAIN’S vote to leave the European Union is to blame for the disastrous state of Italy’s banks – and not Rome’s heavily criticised policymakers – according to the finance minister. Daily More...

By admin On Monday, July 4th, 2016

Parents Encouraged to Teach Their Kids About Money, Finance

(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) Educators and parents, politicians and lobbyists are discussing the issue of who is responsible for teaching children about financial literacy, and at what age this education More...

By admin On Saturday, May 28th, 2016

Why Denmark wants us to Remain – Finance minister predicts economy CRASH after Brexit

A VOTE for Britain to leave the European Union could CRASH Denmark’s economy, the country’s Finance Minister has claimed. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

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