Tag archive for ‘divorce’
By admin On Thursday, April 19th, 2018

Brexit’s unlikely ally: Francois Hollande slams REMOANERS and pushes for quick EU divorce

FORMER French President and steadfast Europhile Francois Hollande slammed Remoaners by stating overly long Brexit negotiations pose a threat to the future of Europe, and urged the European Union to push forward More...

By admin On Thursday, April 5th, 2018

BREXIT FEARS: Five countries TERRIFIED of Brexit as the UK’s EU divorce LOOMS

BREXIT has sent shivers down the spines of politicians and residents across the remaining EU27, with Europeans fearful for what might be around the corner as Britain leaves the European Union. Daily Express :: More...

By admin On Sunday, December 31st, 2017

David Davis lets slip ‘Brexit could be IGNORED’ sparking fears divorce ‘may NOT happen’

DAVID Davis has let slip that he thinks there could be a “no Brexit” despite Theresa May’s New Year message insisting the UK’s divorce “is crucial”, it has been revealed. Daily Express More...

By admin On Saturday, December 16th, 2017

SHOCK Brexit WARNING: Real trade deal won’t start for ‘YEARS AND YEARS’ after divorce

BRITAIN could be locked into trade negotiations with the European Union for “years and years”, according to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Friday, December 1st, 2017

Brexit betrayal: EU says UK will pay BILLIONS as May buckles to divorce bill pressure

THERESA May has agreed to pay a set share of EU budgets after Brexit, according to a senior Brussels official, as the divorce bill deadlock looks to have finally been broken. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Thursday, November 30th, 2017

May won’t pay! PM will NOT stump up Brexit Bill until FULL details of EU divorce agreed

THERESA May has pledged that she will not agree to pay any EU divorce bill until a deal on future trade has been struck with Brussels. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

Pound v US dollar: GBP climbs as Britain and EU close to agreeing Brexit divorce bill

THE United Kingdom and European Union could soon agree the final terms of the so-called “divorce bill” for Brexit. Daily Express :: Finance Feed  More...

By admin On Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

‘No divorce bill’ May gets tough on EU and REJECTS €55billion demand

THERESA May is set to get tough with the EU next week and reject their demands for her to commit to a final divorce bill figure and lump sum payment. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

Theresa May warned she faces a MASSIVE REBELLION if £36 billion divorce bill goes through

THERESA May is facing a massive rebellion and resignations from her government if she tries to push through a Brexit deal with a £36 billion divorce bill. Daily Express :: News Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, November 11th, 2017

‘Don’t be bullied by the EU’ Rees-Mogg tells Brussels to forget Brexit divorce bill

JACOB-REES MOGG accused the European Union of using ‘bullying tactics’ against Britain in the Brexit negotiations, urging Theresa May to not give into the bloc’s financial “threats”. Daily Express :: More...

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