Packt Releases Bite-Sized Developer Education Platform Mapt
Learning really doesn’t ever stop, which is the purpose of Mapt, a brand new online learning platform for IT professionals.
Mapt, just released on July 20, provides developers and development teams with a way to learn new professional skills. The program was released by Packt, a UK company that provides learning and information services to developers. In an ever-changing market, its aim is to help IT professionals stay up to date with the latest technologies and skills in the industry.
The skills platform in Mapt is built for and powered by developers themselves, thus providing real-life, in-demand knowledge that up-to-date developers need. Topics covered include data science, game development, security, frameworks, methodologies and languages.
When logging into Mapt, developers are allowed to select their “dream job” or just hone in on the skills they want to master. Mapt then provides the professionals with materials and resources that give them the skills they desire. The new program draws from Packt’s existing library of more than 4,000 books, e-books, and videos that have been developed by IT professionals. This saves developers time in searching for the right materials while giving them what they need to advance in their careers.
“Packt’s aim is to keep developers relevant so they can stay competitive in their careers,” said Dave Maclean, CEO of Packt in Software Development Time’s article by Madison Moore. “Mapt is a direct and personalized route to gain the most in-demand skills in tech, making it easier and quicker than ever for developers to advance their careers.”
When and where the developers want to learn is completely up to them. Mapt’s interface is modular, so developers can learn any time they have a minute, whether that’s waiting in line at the grocery store or in a doctor’s office. Mapt is purposely built for small snippets of learning – even if it’s just five minutes – so that it can easily fit into a busy professional’s life. These “nibbles” of learning make it easy to pick up where they left off, skip ahead or experiment with something new.
Individual developers and developer teams alike can use the program to learn new technologies, languages and skills. If used by a company, they can track a team’s progress with Mapt to ensure that everyone is making progress.
Packt has published more than 4,000 resources for IT professionals. Every day, however, there is more information released. Mapt says more than 50 new titles are released to its library each month. Topics include everything from from game development to security to web development.
Packt, the company that released Mapt, was founded in 2004 in Birmingham, England. Its mission is to “help the world put software to work in new ways.”
While announcing Mapt, they also announced the results of their 2016 Skill Up survey. To stay relevant, Mapt has asked more than 11,500 global developers fill out Packt’s comprehensive “Skill Up” survey, which is currently available for download. The survey has developers around the world share insights on everything from global salaries to the most in-demand skills and tools in tech, which is meant to capture a snapshot of the modern tech community and to gather insight into important trends in today’s world of technology. Interested readers can learn more about the results of the survey online.
Mapt is currently available for free.
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