Italian Lawmaker Pushes for Accountability for Vegan Parents
(Photo: Wikimedia, Creative Commons) Feeding a child a vegan diet will get a parent up to four years in jail if parliamentarian Elvira Savino gets a new law passed. Reuters says Savino, a member of the conservative Forza Italia party, has written a potential law that would make parents legally responsible for making their children eat “a diet More...
Millennials Largely in Favor of Gun Control, Poll Shows
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) A new poll recently released by the University of Chicago suggests that Millennials strongly support gun control, even going so far as to push for a complete ban of semi-automatic More...
South Carolina Board of Ed Tackles School Resource Officer Actions
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) Ten months ago, a video was taken of a South Carolina deputy throwing a teenage student out of her desk. This incident brought about a national debate over what was expected More...
‘Gender Unicorn’ Lesson Prompts Complaints in Charlotte, NC
(Photo: TSER) A North Carolina school district has received close to 2,500 complaints from angry parents over the use of a cartoon unicorn meant to help young students learn about gender identity. Created by the More...
LAUSD’s King Announces Highest Graduation Rates Ever
(Photo: LA Times) The graduation rate for students in the Los Angeles Unified School District was 75% for the Class of 2016, compared to 72.2% last year, prompting Superintendent Michelle King, in her first More...
Omaha Public Schools to Offer Virtual Learning School
(Photo: Pexels, Creative Commons) Omaha Public Schools are set to open an online program meant to appeal to homeschooled students. Called Virtual Learning School, the project offers the state’s first district-run More...
Girls Who Code Boot Camps Offer Opportunities to Girls
(Photo: Pexels, Creative Commons) A new camp looks to encourage more women to enter the field of technology, which advocates of more opportunities for girls say has been routinely stereotyped as an area for men. Estimates More...
United Nations Advocates for Indigenous Education
(Photo: Wikimedia, Creative Commons) In honor of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (IDWIP), United Nations officials are asking governments to increase access to education to ensure More...
Survey Shows Parents Struggling to Save for Kids’ College
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) A new report from retirement planning company T. Rowe Price examines the student debt issue facing the nation in an effort to better understand what basic financial knowledge, More...
Yale, MIT, NYU Sued Over Retirement Plan Fees
(Photo: Wikimedia, Creative Commons) New York University, Yale University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are being sued by employees of the institutions over their handling of employee retirement More...