Investigations Show Abuse in MA Special Needs School
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) A non-for-profit group for people with disabilities, armed with federal investigative powers, has published shocking findings on alleged abuse within Middleborough, MA a school for children and young adults with special needs. On the outside, the Chamberlain International School has a colonial charm and is lapped More...
NerdWallet: Student Debt Relief Companies Are Dishonest
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) A collaborative report produced by NerdWallet and the non-for-profit higher education advocacy group Student Debt Crisis reveals dishonest practices being undertaken by student More...
Chicago District Fighting Lawsuit on Transgender Bathroom Access
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) Although the argument over the use of locker rooms by transgender students was returned to Chicago’s federal courthouse this week, US Magistrate Judge Jeffrey T. Gilbert More...
College Campus Discipline That Works
(Photo: Wikimedia, Creative Commons) By Julia Steiny Here’s a clear, real-life illustration of the use of Restorative Justice (RJ). Skidmore professor David Karp tells the story of how the college handled More...
Ohio Works to Address Drug Abuse Among State’s Kids
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and lawmakers have taken action toward addressing the drug abuse epidemic in the state’s schools. First, DeWine created a 22-member Ohio More...
LGBT Students Face Higher Level of Violence, Survey Shows
Results of the first nationwide study asking high school students questions pertaining to their sexuality show that gay, lesbian, and bisexual teenagers face higher rates of depression, bullying, and violence than More...
Green Party’s Jill Stein Believes WiFi is Hurting Kids
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) Jill Stein, the Green Party’s candidate for President, has suggested that WiFi in schools is dangerous for children. A recent poll found only 10% of Americans strongly supporting More...
Houston Faces Lawsuit Over Changing Confederate-Named Schools
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) The Houston Independent School District board of trustees has approved spending almost $ 1.25 million of taxpayer money to rename eight schools to erase any trace of tie-ins More...
Depressed Parents, Grandparents Increase Risk for Children
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) Researchers have known for some time that young people whose parents suffer from major depressive disorder (MDD) face a heightened risk for depression – but now they More...
Survey: 1 in 4 UK University Students Has Mental Health Issue
(Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons) A recent survey of 1,061 students by YouGov has revealed alarming data about the extent of mental health problems at universities across the United Kingdom. The workload at school, More...