Published On: Wed, Nov 16th, 2016

Things We Saw Today: All Movies Should Be Cate Blanchett Pretending to Be a Spider In a Dark Abyss of Eyeballs

If you like artsy, experimental feminism and/or Cate Blanchett, have I got a movie for you! It’s called RED, and the trailer for the film by Australian filmmaker, Del Kathryn Barton, is above. The short film has Blanchett playing Mother, “a spider-like woman who ‘eats her partner after sex and weaves a tangled web’.” The film itself is “a surrealist take on female power inspired by the mating rituals of the Australian red back spider.” It’s set to premiere at the Adelaide Festival at the Art Gallery of South Australia in January 2017. Is it weird that I want every movie to be this movie? (via IndieWire)

We’re just gonna leave this right here, kthxbye. (via NPR)

Well, that’s what we’ve seen out there in the wide world (that wasn’t frightening, or emotionally draining). What have you seen today? Please tell us kittens or bulldog puppies. Please?

(image via screencap)

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